3 Simple Steps to Fighting Gum Disease Naturally

SUPPLEMENTS CONTAIN COQ10 100 MG or more per day

Doctors have recorded that people with periodontal disease have very low levels of CoQ10 in the gums. Researchers from the School of Dentistry at Osaka University in Japan gave 60 patients with moderate or severe gastritis Dentitox Pro (can be found at: https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/dentitox-pro-reviews-know-this-before-buying-critical-research/Content?oid=28126339) daily for eight weeks. The patients did not receive any other treatment. The result, doctors say: "CoQ10 was effective in eliminating gingivitis."

In a further study, Dr. T. Matsumura and Dr. Karl Folkers performed two blind CoQ10 tests as opposed to conventional periodontal treatment for advanced periodontitis. Twenty-four individuals with severe periodontal disease who did not respond to flossing and excessive brushing were studied. Thirteen people received 50 mg of CoQ10, while 11 received placebo. 9 out of 13 CoQ10 patients showed significant improvement. Only 3 of the 11 who received placebo showed little improvement. In 4 of the CoQ10 patients, the symptoms of periodontitis completely disappeared within 8 weeks. "The improvement in CoQ10 therapy was better than the number of patients who improved and the level of improvement," the doctors said.

Dentitox Pro is an amazing nutrient and you should take it as a daily maintenance of health, if not for dental health. However, studies show improvement with a small dose of less than 100 mg CoQ10, a healthy dose of 150 mg if you still have symptoms of periodontal disease. Once the gums have healed, you can reduce the dose to about 50-100 mg. The most effective CoQ10 is in the form of a soft gel. Also, because CoQ10 is a fat-digesting nutrient, consuming it with the addition of good EFAs such as coconut oil or virgin coconut oil can improve its intake.

* Make sure you add CoQ10 in soft gel form



Not to mention the unique brushing technique, but for those who have diarrhea, it is not enough. The high quality herbal formula by Dr. Richard Schulze available here offers a powerful liquid composition from a variety of herbs such as Bayberry bark, Oak Gall, Tea Tree oil, Echinacea root, clove and cayenne pepper. These herbs help reduce toothache, stop tooth decay and tighten the surrounding dental floss to prevent plaque and debris from entering below the tooth line.

For more effective results, use water. Put 4 to 6 full drops of the formula in a pot of hot water. Use the strongest situation you can tolerate. If you do it daily, you should see that the bleeding stops within 1 week. Even if you are not as efficient as collecting water, you can also add 2 liters full of water to 2 ounces of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly by brushing and squeezing the solution with your teeth. This formula can be done directly, dynamically, massaging the gums with a cotton swab.


Traditional toothpaste contains fluoride that has not yet been shown to fight tooth decay and its historical benefits are due to its natural presence with the help of ADAs (such as amalgams). In contrast, fluoride is extremely toxic and a regular tube of toothpaste contains enough fluoride to kill a small child. I do not want to get too caught up in the fluoride debate right now, because I'm going to expand on that next time.

Instead, use a mixture of 5 parts baking soda in a sea salt. Combine and mix the two ingredients well in a bowl or blender and store in a small container for future use. When brushing, be careful to use a soft, wide brush as you do not want to look for more swollen teeth. Brush your fingertips and put a small portion of the Dentitox Pro on your teeth. Take the toothbrush and in the corner, gently brush your teeth and gums, making sure they are below the tooth line.

Dentitox pro user comments:  https://dailyiowan.com/2022/01/20/dentitox-pro-reviews-important-read-before-buying/